About Us
Our Vision is to transform Nyeland Acres, Oxnard, California, into a prosperous community filled with hope and pride.
The Nyeland Promise is designed to provide the residents of Nyeland Acres with support, resources, advocacy, encouragement, services and basic needs to transform their lives and families. These goals were inspired by the United Nations Goals for Sustainable Development
adopted in 2015 to “Transform our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.”
This will be accomplished by coordinating educational programs for residents, securing safety needs, improving quality of life, creating neighborhood pride, and developing economic growth. Through strong partnerships with the County of Ventura, FOOD Share, Oxnard College, and many others, we can transform one of the most disadvantaged community in Ventura County and create a pathway to a better life.
We are grateful for all of our partners in the community helping create a better life for our residents.
For more information or ways to connect, contact us at NyelandPromise@gmail.com
Nyeland Promise, 3701 Orange Drive, Oxnard, CA 93036
Federal ID# 83-2109489
Our Board consists of:
Mike Barber
Brenda Heredia
Mary Anne Rooney
If you are a resident and/or property owner in Nyeland Acres, please let us know if you are interested in joining our organization.
Our Advisory Board members consist of friends, residents, and property owners in Nyeland Acres:
Mike Barber Lupe Beltran
Maria Briceno Brenda Heredia
Emily Hernandez Claudia Lopez
Jacki Lowe Letty Noriega
Henry Olivares Bertha Preciado
Abby Aguilar Tino Ramirez
Mary Anne Rooney Julissa Vergara
Rodrigo Loera Jose Reveles
Miguel Gonzalez Ayxa Agraz
Nyeland Promise Overview
Nyeland Promise Overview
Cornerstone Programs
We have six major areas as our cornerstone programs:
Quality Education
Develop an educational culture at all levels. One project is to offer provide internet connectivity to all our residents. In collaboration with the Rio School District, we are starting with connectivity for the elementary school students. Then we will expand to high school and college students. Our goal is to provide 100% internet access to those who want it in Nyeland Acres. Thanks to Frontier, we have installed two free wifi hotspots in the community.
Good Health and Well-Being
Support good healthy habits and provide outlets for citizens to acquire a healthy lifestyle. We entered into a contract with Oxnard College Dental Hygiene program to provide cleaning, sealants, and other services to 80 children during the year. Our goal is to add additional healthy programs to our residents at our Community Center.
Quality of Life
Encourage peace, justice, and pride, reduce poverty and create a sense of community. We are actively cleaning up the neighborhood of abandoned vehicles and graffiti. We offer opportunities to build a strong sense of community.
Sustainable Communities
Create an inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable community. We were awarded a grant by Southern California Association of Governments to develop an educational program to assist our residents in safely traveling through the community. Also, additional equipment has been added to reduce electricity at one water company.
Zero Hunger
Eliminate hunger in Nyeland Acres. We established a Food Pantry in February 2019 and has served more than 400,000 pounds of food through these pantries. We are helping to distribute students lunches all through 2020 and 2021. We will continue to offer these services to our residents.
Economic growth
Provide residents with economic opportunities and revitalize Ventura Blvd. Businesses are in process of updating their buildings to improve economic development. Also, we are encouraging new businesses to move in the area.
Demographic and Community Info
Demographic Information
Nyeland Acres was identified as a Disadvantaged Unincorporated Community in
March, 2012 as defined under Senate Bill 244.
Community Information
2,809 residents
93% Hispanic
71% are under age 34
(35% are under 19)
Median Household income = $41,056
West Ventura County Business Alliance Non-Profit of the Year 2022.
El Concilio Latino Leadership Award 2022
Our Co-Founders, Mike Barber and Mary Anne Rooney, received a Hunger Hero award from No Kid Hungry.
Brenda Heredia, Board Member and Social Media Director, was recently awarded the Young Professional of the Year by the West County Business Alliance. We are proud of her and know she will continue to make great impact in our community!
In 2021, we were awarded a Go Human grant from Southern California Association of Governments to provide a bilingual educational outreach program on pedestrian safety. Take a look at our video about our program.